Film Review: A Fantastic Woman

A Fantastic Woman (2017) is directed by Sebastián Lelio and stars Daniela Vega as transgender woman whose life is uprooted and agitated when the love of her life suddenly dies. His family and friends, and investigators, are harassing her, trying to figure out what exactly happened as she deals with her own acceptance from strangers around her.

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First off, this film is fantastic. I just came back from watching it and am wowed by the performance from Daniela Vega. What an incredible first film to be in. It’s not only about a transgender woman and acceptance, but about grief and loss.

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The camera work is beautiful. A lot of head on shots, the use of reflections is mesmerizing and conflicts with the inner workings of a transgender’s world of hostility from others. It moves from a romance to a realistic drama very effortlessly. There’s some fantasy/dreamy sequences that are fun to watch and some eerie moments with her lover’s ghost.

Emotionally pulling and interestingly shot, I definitely recommend this film to any viewers. It will hit you right in the heart. A 10/10 film and the best of this year. So far.

Thanks for reading and comment below what you thought about this film!


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