Film Review: Annihilation

Annihilation (2018) is directed by Alex Garland and stars Natalie Portman, Jennifer Jason Leigh and Tessa Thompson. It’s also a film adapted from a book which I am hoping to read within this year. This film is about a retired army biologist (now professor) that is trying to find out what happened to her husband. She, and other female scientists, go into this foreign entity called “The Shimmer” and is confronted with species that aren’t too familiar with their own and where the laws of nature don’t apply. It’s a mind-bending, science fiction, thriller, drama, action film. It’s under many categories that don’t overlap each other.

I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this film. Walking in, I knew I was going to like it, but not this much. It’s a solid work of art. Although, I can see why many audiences did not like it; it’s still one that you should watch if you like science fiction/thriller. I didn’t think the film would be ‘scary,’ but there were some scenes that made me feel nervous and frightened for the characters. Not only that, but the cinematography is beautiful. There are some amazing shots that I replay in my mind over and over again; easily making me want to watch it again.

The attention to details this film has is appreciable. They answered all the easy questions and left the more complicated ones up to the audience to figure out and conclude. I happen to like films that do this – leave it up for the audience. But I understand if others don’t. Like I said, this film is not for everyone.

The CGI was heavy, which I expected from the trailers. It was done well though. I could tell they cared about this film and how it looked. Sometimes that lacks in films nowadays. The sets, CGI, were beautiful and the creatures were interesting to look at. Even the landscapes are well done. I would say that if you liked the film Ex Machina (2015), then you would like this film.

What’s to like?
• CGI is admirable and beautiful
• The thriller aspect of this film is respectable. I like feeling emotions for characters. Plus, there was some frightening images that I really loved.
• It’s not too complicated for a science fiction – not too pretentious.
• The symbolism is immense and takes another watch to really understand it
• The soundtrack fits well with each sceneannihilation-natalie-portman
What’s not to like?
• Not for everyone. It leaves some unanswered questions. It’s not straightforward.
• Some dialogue wasn’t the best.
• A storyline that really wasn’t needed. It was unnecessary to be honest. I don’t want to spoil it, but I think almost everyone will agree with me.

Overall, I recommend this film to audiences who like science fiction/drama/thrillers. I give it a 9/10 and will more than likely watch it again.

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