The year COVID took everything away

Covid-19 is one of those super dangerous viruses that you see in the movies that you think wouldn’t happen to you, but you think about how it would go if it were to happen, and then it happens. No zombie apocalypse this year. No shattering end of the world fear. A virus.

It started December 2019. If you hopped on the news from time to time, you would hear about a virus that is spreading in China. You think “well at least it’s over there and it’ll be contained and be over with soon for them.” You hope so, anyways. Then, in February 2020, the virus starts to grow bigger and bigger. Germany and Italy get it. The United States is cowering in the corner, taking minimal precautions. Everyone else is warning us. Our family is cautious, but not being super careful. Thinking about wearing a mask everywhere seems strange and a little nerve-racking. Things start getting serious. A lot of people start to get it and many people are dying. Like actually dying from it. Well, technically they are dying from the effects of it. It becomes real; right in our faces REAL.

High school grads and college grads get their graduation taken away from them. This momentous occasion is something they have waited for, for a long time and it’s taken away. This damn virus. I’m thinking how lucky I was to graduate when I did.

Everything closes down. Local small businesses are being forced to shut down and face eviction. Delivery services are the only way they get money. And it’s not very much. Schools close. Online services and social media are more important than ever.

Toilet paper runs out everywhere. Bottled water and baby supplies are scarce. Cleaning supplies are marked higher than usual. And the people are going crazy over this.

So much is canceled. No where to go and a mandatory shut down happens. No one is on the roads and the night is more quiet than ever. Gyms are even closed.

Halloween is around the corner. I wonder how that will turn out. Will Halloween be different this year and will there be more people out since they have something to look forward to now? We will see.


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