Film Review: Love and Monsters

Hello everyone! It’s been awhile, I know. I think I will write an update post soon.

Anyways, this is a review on a film that me and Derek watched at a drive-in theater about a week ago. Social distancing is a must here in the states, so we saw that a drive-in was the perfect opportunity to finally see a film on the big screen and have a cute date night!

Love and Monsters (2020) is directed by Michael Matthews and written by Brian Duffield and Matthew Robinson. It stars Dylan O’Brien, Jessica Henwick, Michael Rooker, and Ariana Greenblatt.

This adventure comedy is about a man (O’Brien) trying to get to his lover (Henwick) that he disconnected with when the monster apocalypse happened. Society has been wiped out about 95% and the ones that did survive are living in bomb shelters or up in the mountains where it is safer. O’Brien’s character is kind of a coward, but he is taking the 7 day walk to meet his lover since they talk on the ham radio from time to time. Apparently, they are only 80 miles apart in a different shelter. So, he takes the risk and goes off on his own through the new monster infested world.

He meets a dog and two other people who are trying to get to the mountains because it is safer there. These two characters have good chemistry. One is a young tough girl and the other is an older man trying to keep her safe. Kind of like the game, “Last of Us.” That’s the vibe they give me. They help O’Brien with staying alive and even saving him a couple times. The cool part is that they give him monster advice on what each monster is and what there weakness is. O’Brien draws the monsters in a notebook. Kind of like a survival guide for living out there. Anyways, they help him and move along after a certain point. He is on his own now and has to fend for himself. Luckily, he makes it, but not after some trouble.

It’s a fun film. Even at the drive-in, it was really fun. I’m glad we picked a funny adventure film because Nightmare Before Christmas was playing at the other screens, but we can watch that at any time. So, if you go to the drive-in, i would recommend seeing a film that’s new since movies are in need of money right now due to Covid-19.

O’Brien did a great acting job in this and so did mostly everyone. The dog was amazing. Full of great character and personality. The monsters looked really good creatively. On screen, the CGI, didn’t hold up very well though. The love story was alright – nothing I connected with personally, so I ended up not really caring about that part. The action was up to par and could of been a little better, but it’s okay. It was still fun.

So, is it worth it? Yes. Again, the one word I describe this film as is FUN. A good time.

CGI wasn’t great, but not terrible.

Action needs some help, but still had cool moments.

I didn’t care for the love story, but maybe you will.

The dog was amazing.

Overall, I give Love and Monsters a 6.5/10. It’s pretty forgettable.

And that’s it. I’ve been so busy lately and I just haven’t been as motivated to write, but I’m trying to force myself anyways. Hopefully, I’ll be back on here soon enough. Thanks for reading and ta-ta!

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