Quarantine is fun

If you are reading this, you know about the state of the world right now. Coronavirus or COVID-19 is sweeping across the world and killing an abundance of people – mostly elderly according to news articles, but it can kill anyone with a weak immune system. Yeah yeah yeah, you get it. We get it. It’s horrible and scary. My anxiety has been pretty bad the last couple of weeks, as I’m sure yours has.

So if you are self-isolating/in quarantine for whatever reason, there are still many things you can do to keep busy or at least occupy yourself for some time. It’s nice to be bored every blue moon, but not for 2 months straight – and it could be longer now. So what are you doing?


Luckily, there’s two video games that came out the day before everything kind of shut down over here. Doom Eternal and Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Both have been played vigorously in this house. If you like the old school Doom and wanna kick demons ass during this isolation, then you will enjoy the new Doom. Fast-paced and badass is the two words I would describe the game as. It’s also kind of funny and there are new demons that look hellish.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons has taken the world by storm. I played it on the DSI, I think, and I knew I wanted to play the new one. It’s a relaxing fun game tpexels-photohat pulls you in and truly wants to make you decorate that island with your hearts content. As soon as I think i am done with it for the day, I want to get on again. It’s pretty addicting. So, if you think you will like visiting new islands and gathering resources for animal neighbors and yourself – I think you will enjoy this game. Plus, you can design your own clothing.

Netflix and Hulu have some great visual content that you can enjoy as well. If you have been wanting to catch up on some tv shows or films, then now is the time. Hulu has Akira, King of the Hill, Futurama, The Handmaid’s Tale, Spider-Man, Wayne’s World, and so much more. They have a really good selection. Netflix on the other hand has Gilmore Girls, Better Call Saul, Blade Runner: The Final Cut, Victorious, Incredibles 2 and so much more. There’s a better anime selection on Hulu though – in case your more into that.

Watch Tiger King on Netflix. That is all.

You can also get into different hobbies – painting, drawing, finding new music, learning to play music or learning to read it, taking a course online, reading that book you’ve been complaining that you don’t have time for, cleaning out your hoard of a closet and getting rid of some clothes, photography and so much more. You should get creative and now is the time to do so. I don’t have kids, so I don’t have any tips for that… You could get crafty and play board games – oh! Have them make their own board games and play them after dinner or something. That would be fun.

I’ve been cooking a lot more, so I have been having fun finding different recipes. The other day I made a banana bread and then a quiche later on. The quiche had mushrooms, jalapenos, bacon and way too much dairy. Both turned out so good! Also, learning more about plants/succulents because we are growing tomatoes, jalapenos, and other peppers for salsa and sauce. I just enjoy having the succulents around since they are pretty easy to take care of, but they are interesting to learn about all the different kinds.

The next thing for me is to start at home workouts. The gym is closed until this virus is more under control, so I really need to get back into the grind. We have to keep healthy during this time. That is super important right now.

Let me knpexels-photo-631986ow what y’all are watching and doing during this time. Try to get up and be active everyday. Go for a walk – safely. Not where a lot of people are, obviously. Only go out for groceries or if you have to go the hospital – something essential. You get it.


Wash your hands.


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