Film Review: Sonic The Hedgehog

‘Gotta go faster’

Sonic The Hedgehog (2020) is directed by Jeff Fowler and stars Ben Schwartz (Sonic), James Marsden, and Jim Carrey. Tom, a sheriff, runs into a blue hedgehog from a different dimension that can run super fast. Sonic came to earth to hide his power from everyone, but he’s very lonely and causes a ruckus one night that makes the area’s power go out. Sonic then loses his rings that help him cross dimensions and he and Tom embark on a fun adventure to get them back. Dr. Eggman, Jim Carrey, invests his time and technology to find Sonic for his power. Based on the Sega game.

When the trailer for this film first came out…. Sonic looked like a crackhead. The world complained and made memes out of it, so the designers redesigned him. The final Sonic looks so much better. I’m not sure what they were thinking with the original design… like really. A crackhead hedgehog. I wanted to support a film that actually listened to the fans and delivered.


Jim Carrey is also back after not seeing him for awhile. I love Carrey and his humor, so I was all in. He was great as the Dr. Eggman. His backfire humor and facial expressions were on point and really made me enjoy the character.

The action was cool. There was a battle between Dr. Eggman and Sonic that lasted awhile and was enjoyable. Is it Michael Bay action? No. Game of Thrones battle action comparable? No. It was just cool with all the technology that Dr. Eggman brings to the screen. I think the film would benefit in 3D actually.


My quarrel with this film is that Sonic narrates too much, especially in the beginning. We aren’t 5 years old. In fact, I think a 5 year old can tell what’s happening without Sonic telling us. It was just unnecessary and annoying.

The wife of Tom is a terrible actress. Everyone else in the film had decent to good acting skills, but her… I’m not sure she knew what she was doing there. She plays a Veterinary wife and that’s about it. The only other thing added to her character is that her sister wants her to divorce Tom for some reason. I don’t think we ever find out why.

All in all, the film is pretty fun. Has some entertaining scenes, but that’s about it. It’s just a family film without much substance. Don’t go in with a high expectation. I give Sonic The Hedgehog a 6.5/10.





  1. My 5 and 3 year old love it! They run around the house now like Sonic. As for Mom and Dad, we enjoyed it for what it was, a family film. I agree it would have been good in 3D and Jim Carrey was back to what he does so well.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I knew they would like it. It’s very family friendly, so it is perfect for a nice family night out at the movies. 3D seems to be the way to go with these films, I was surprised they didn’t go for it.


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